Thursday, May 30, 2013

Introduction Letter

Dear Reader,
I choose to base my project on how Jeannette's childhood and the way she was raised affected her as an adult. Some of the choices her parents made were obviously not the best, however Jeannette’s unique childhood definitely contributed to her being a successful hard working adult. I tried to represent Jeannette's childhood through the style of my blog. I chooses a desert background not only because her child took place a lot of the time in the desert, but because it represents the freedom she had as a child and the adventures that lead to.
    To show Jeannette's journey through childhood to becoming a successful adult, I started with a Mis en Scene Analysis of Jeannette falling out of the car and her parents leaving her there. I thought that this showed not only her parents carefree attitudes but also the loneliness Jeannette experienced when her parents failed to give her attention. The next thing I chooses to include was a found poem of Jeannette and her brother going hungry at school. This represented Jeannette fending for herself at a very early age. I then included a timeline of some significant event in Jeanette's life that lead to her being successful in the future because of the lessons she learned from those situations. n I chooses to do a map of the different cities the family lived during Jeannettes childhood because part of my thesis was that the constant moving around made her more adaptable as an adult and also made her crave stability.
    The next genres I picked focused on Jeannette becoming a successful adult. I choose to do a graduation invitation to Jeanette's graduation to show that she was able to use what she learned to make it on her own. I also included an advice column of Jeanette’s advice for raising children. I think it not only reflects the writing success Jeannette has in her career but also what she learned from her parents choices. The last thing i included was a Personal Narrative which was about my house that I have lived in my whole life, to show the contrast between my viewpoint and Jeannettes.

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