Thursday, May 30, 2013

Group 5 Personal Narrative

I have lived in the same house my entire life. There is no where else in the world that I have ever called home. It’s where I learned to walk, where I learned to talk, and pretty much where I learned to do everything else. It looks like a little stone cottage, it has a white fence with flowers all around, and a backyard full of trees. There has definitely been times in my life where the house seemed too small for five people, I even shared a room with my older sister for 10 years which made me long for the comfort of more square footage. However, there is no way that I could ever imagine my childhood anywhere else but this little stone cottage.
I couldn’t even imagine moving when I was growing up. Everything about that house was perfect, from the great sledding hill in the backyard, to the cul de sac where all the neighbor kids would play football and capture the flag. For me there has always been a comfort knowing that I would always come home to the same exact place. It made me feel safe and gave me a sense of consistency growing up. I’m sure it would have been fine if my family had to move around and my house was always changing but I’m really glad I have been able to live in the same place my whole life. I think growing up with consistency is important but that doesn’t mean your actual house has to stay the same. What make a house a home is the people in it, and the love and support they give you, so even if you can’t keep a consistent house like I have, you can keep a consistent home which is what kids really need.

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